Thursday, March 22, 2007

Jab Hum Chote They!!

hi all,
ever wondering how gorgeous and cute we used to look when we were children! todays world where tension is buzzword, everyone's loosing on their good nights sleep over a pitty project, an assignment or a presentation. black circled eyes, rough skin, umkempt hair and sleepy face have become trademark for all of us.So to take u all back to our heydays, here are few pics....
and do try to guess who r in these pics.....
so lets start .....

Ya, u r right! she is our cute,little janki..
and the next one.......

u must be thinking why is he crying? actually he is our own Paras.. someone has stollen his Rosogulla!!
and introducing...
first time in our blog, our own consultant (they dont have neck)... santosh ...

and look whom this one looks like?.. (blad)..

yes .. u guessed right.. he is Bhau..Ameya..

and next is our sleepy boy.. who is always sleeping during lectures.. the only one.. bubble gum.. fenil..

and last one in todays series....

no prize for guessing this one right...

he is the great...

our own Gala Bhaiya..

So i hope u all must have n'joyed this post...
keep peeping..
country pande.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Hungry Kya?

hi all,

last week everyone was pretty busy with their projects, ppts and tests. everyone working hard to get best grades for their project. ppl even working on sundays! so in between all hard work one should enjoy somemoments. look here.....

the frech fries from our canteen.. hot and crispy......
and as usual ppl fighting for it.....
time for some desserts..........
first came rosgullas..
ever seen rosgulla eating another rosgulla? rare pic....
time for some bhramine treat...... aamrakhanda..the best all of sweets...
and as usual pravin is ready to attack on my cup of aamrakhanda...
so that was definately too much food and very less padahi..
whats MBA -- Masta Bhojan aur Aaram...
so guys enjoy the treat. bye